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that one thing in the world that can be accounted for more than just some stupid pleasure of man. no! we are not here for your pleasure, nor are we here to be called 'useless skin around a vagina'. any man who will contrdict a woman's place to her therefore proves in place as scum in her mind with his filth of mind and sheer lack of intellegence.

Mark: o ba jaze boi she a fine woman

Sinead: fuckoff.

by georgeanna January 28, 2008

1038๐Ÿ‘ 3416๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. meaning of life to straight males
2. automatic market correction

1. "I need a woman."
2. "See that woman entering the mall? Someone's not going to college anymore?"

by prof2 February 18, 2008

175๐Ÿ‘ 532๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who manipulates when she's young, panics about having children when she's middle-aged, and obsesses about looking young when she's old.

I don't need a woman. Ever.

by Ereck Flowers August 11, 2017

20๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž


The evil half of the human race

I conclude women are evil with this simple math problem
Woman equal time

Time is Money

therefore women equal time and money

and money is tha root of all evil

women are evil


by raul garica June 27, 2006

179๐Ÿ‘ 541๐Ÿ‘Ž


A superior being responsible for all human life. Is the more kind, compassionate, caring, gentle, rational, and creative of the two genders. Her body is much more biologically complex than that of a man. The average lifespan of a woman is 7 years longer than men. She is less likely to engage in violent activity- being able to deal with her disputes with more civilized methods. She is better able to control her primal need for sex than men.

Men have managed to take control of society by using the one sole aspect in which they are superior to woman- brute strength. Man destroys while Woman creates.

The only reason the female seems to be overly concerned with her looks is because the male-dominated society has led her to believe since birth that she only has worth if she is beautiful.

The oppression she has had to endure throughout the history of humankind only serves to make her stronger.

A woman is a beautiful creature; highly superior to her male counterpart. The men who write the terrible things about them on this website are disgusting, pitiful excuses for human beings. They should go to their mothers immediately upon reading this and beg for their forgiveness and thank her for giving them life. Those who degrade women are only showing how extraordinarily inferior they are to her.

by Annee May 6, 2006

1084๐Ÿ‘ 3651๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. The female of the human species. Virtually identical to man aside from small degree of sexual dimorphism and female sexual characteristics.
2. Approximately half the schmucks in the world. (for the other half, see also man)
3. Masters of driving heterosexual men absofuckinglutely insane.

1. That woman has boobs.
2. That woman is smothering her boyfriend's best friend with her boobs.
3. God damn! That woman was shoving her tits in my face! Is she that easy, and what the fuck is Marco gonna do when he finds out!?!

by if you take this seriously I will laugh at you May 31, 2004

165๐Ÿ‘ 507๐Ÿ‘Ž


a strong inteligent human being who uses her brain instead of her sex to make descions.

wow, you are and awesome woman. your strong and inteligent.. i admire you... woman are awesome

by countrygl21 November 24, 2006

1018๐Ÿ‘ 3526๐Ÿ‘Ž