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Don Zimmer

Fat fuck that has do to with the New York Yankees; looks like a fat bowling ball

I fell in love with Pedro Martinez after he slammed Don Zimmer's head to the ground

by This Is Not Meg July 24, 2004

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big zimmers

A big deal; important. Something everyone should know, and that - by default - one should assume all others know.

Person 1: Do you know whether Bella and Sash are still dating?
Person 2: I didn't know they were together at all. I thought Sash was gay.
Person 1: Of course they were dating! Their relationship was really big zimmers.

by zimmers123123 March 15, 2011

To Pull A Zimmer

1. Saying something stupid or the action of doing something stupid in a vain attempt to be funny.

2. To embarrass ones friends by saying something stupid or the action of doing something stupid in a vain attempt to be funny.

3. The Act of a Zimmerism.

To Pull A Zimmer:

Friend 1: Yeah so I gotta do a 20 paige report on freaking penguins
Chick: aww that sucks
Friend 2: Dude once when I lived in Canada i kicked a penguin in the nuts hahahaha
Chick: Wow...ummm...*leaves*
Friend 1: Omg...you idiot...you just pulled a zimmer!! *proceedes to beat down friend 2's ass*

by thisblows7504 March 17, 2006

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Peter Zimmer

The God of the bands. Had a bunch of idiots make a cult/religion for him. The almighty supreme being and leader of the Zimminati.

Sophie: Hey do you know who Peter Zimmer is?
Daniel: Yeah I pray to him every night!

by RazorLeaf February 24, 2022

cant simmer the zimmer

A joke phrase inspired after George Zimmerman won the 2013 trial against his murder of Trayvon Martin.
This phrase was possibly coined by a facebook page called "Brock Obama" though the original has not been found.
Inspired by "Cant corner the Dorner".

1: Hey man I cant believe he actually got away with that
2: You cant Simmer the Zimmer, man

by alienman August 6, 2013

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Beer zimmer

The act of providing a supporting frame to an inebriated person who would otherwise struggle to make it home. Usually involves walking arm-in-arm with someone taking two steps forward and one step back.

'Did you have a good night out last night?'
'Yeah, except I ended up as the beer zimmer for that girl in accounts.'

by FriendIndeed January 18, 2012


" Zimmering" Zim mer-ing Noun
" Zimmered" Zim merd Adjective

1: The Act of destroying anything that you were asked not to interact with because you were not ( smart, strong ) enough to know you should of left it alone.

Person 1 - Hey it looks like that windshield has a crack in it!
Repair Shop - We can repair this for you on Tuesday.
Person 1 - I cannot wait till Tuesday, I will fix it myself.
Repair Shop - Do you have any training in repairing windshields?
Person 1 - Nope, I do not.
Repair Shop - Please do not try to repair it yourself if you go on zimmering something you do not know about you will damage it.
Person 1 - Ok

Person 1 then goes ahead and attempts to repair the windshield and in frustration of inability to repair the windshield throws a Sledgehammer through the windshield completely damaging the window frame and the inside of the vehicle.

Repair Shop - DAMN! You completely "Zimmered" that car.

by Wholywalter July 19, 2013