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When someone "dips" or runs.


by SadFarm1 February 16, 2019


When you’re really high and you’re folded like laundry.

Hey man... i’m really folded.

by ilickballsforfree November 3, 2019


to be so drunk you can't function

bruh Javon is so folded right now he had 30 shot of Bombay

by gotdankhmu September 11, 2016


Getting that ass folded (body wise) during intercourse

“That shy ass hi you gave his mom before you went in his room and got that ass folded

“Ain’t no reason I’m getting folded like this, there just no way “

by PhattyBanana July 7, 2021

bread fold

A slice of bread added with spread, then folded in half and eaten.

A: What did you have for breakfast?

B: Just a bread fold with nutella.

by cookiewings May 25, 2017

Texas fold 'em

Folding in poker.

And now my sixth straight Texas fold 'em. Great.

by Ereck Flowers May 29, 2019

Thousand-fold rule

The inherent birthright of every human to seek vengeance at a rate of thousand times the original, unprovoked offense upon the original offender(s).
If, for no good reason, a “friend” were to punch you unexpectedly in the stomach, you then would refer to the “Thousand-Fold Rule” and be allowed thousand free stomach punches upon said “friend.”

Now feel the wrath of the thousand-fold rule.

by jgryt February 11, 2022