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School Slang

This is very common nowadays there kids We'll come up with slangs at school

I don't know some of that school Slang

by 459395 March 9, 2022

slang throat

When a ho can repeatedly put your dick in the back of her throat.

Damn dude that bitch can slang throat

by 187&pimphos March 25, 2017

Baltimorian Slang

Baltimorian slang is a slang used as to say random ass words and it sounds like a new language. Kind of like pig latin.

Baltimorian slang be like, Fukhal snuckal on a doogin, fuhtoogin.

by speedyadventure October 18, 2023

Bender (soccer slang)

A player that tries too hard at school recess, and usually ends up with an ankle injury. When he is passed the ball, he whiffs it completely and pulls a muscle.

Legend: Did you see him at break!? he got injured!
Dude: Haha what a Bender (soccer slang)

by BuxtonWater May 6, 2015

Slang on

It just means do whatever. Live your life. It can also be used as a farewell. Instead of saying goodbye or see ya later you can just say slang on.

Aight bruh slang on!

by KingVic88 September 1, 2020

K-Town Slang

Slang words that were invented in K-Town (Kinston, North Carolina)

Why do you talk like that?
It's just summa dat K-Town slang homie!

by BooBopBing February 19, 2014

slang around

"slang around" means to fool around, joke or hangout.

Guy 1-"Yahh, wanna slang around during classs"
Guy 2- "Say lesss"
Guy 1- "Meet me in the hallways"

by fuck around, hang out April 4, 2022