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The Dunnigans/Doogins were an anti-white racist hispanic Clique of the Tango Orejon gang in San Antonio Texas at Career Point College in the year 2012. See Wonderland Mafia

Them Dunnigans/Doogins sure hated white people. Mexicans are pure racists.

by SavannahAfrica July 11, 2019

muff doogins

A very plumb female's vagina

check out the muff doogins on that girl

by smack September 24, 2003

6πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


Something you write on a school wall

Yo, Tyrone, let’s go write β€œI’m a doogin” on the brick wall outside.

by im cool 123 March 1, 2018