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L Bozo

When you experience a loss and you are also a bozo.

Friend 1: My actions caused us to experience defeat at the important competition
Friend 2: L Bozo

by Legit Human Person April 7, 2022

L Bozo

Someone who is beyond loser and bozo and becomes both. Also usually gay

evan:I love men
chad:he is an l bozo

by quandle dingleton September 13, 2022

L bozo

you couldn't think of anything else? wow I feel sorry for you you wanna be v1nce cuh

me: hey your father died!

Other guy: L bozo

by LOGANBOIIIII October 7, 2022

L bozo

This is a human being who is just a loser. For example, this person is just a cringy uncultured being.

Person: Wanna study?
Me: L bozo us cool kids don't study

by coolkidthatiscool May 24, 2022