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Look at me!

One of xxxtentacions songs that gets him SOOOO many bandwagon fans. But the beat is amazing

Person 1: yo what’s your favorite X song
Person 2: Look at me!
Person 1: any others?
Person 2: yeah,...
Person 1: which ones?
Person 2: peace

by Xxxtentacion fan yessir March 17, 2021

i am me and you are looking at me, and i am looking at you and that person who is looking at you is me, and i am myself because i am me and you are yourself because you are you

something people say when theyre retarded or are having a identity crisis

"i am me and you are looking at me, and i am looking at you and that person who is looking at you is me, and i am myself because i am me and you are yourself because you are you"


by RF5C June 13, 2024

Look Me In The Face

When you catch someone making disrespectful and rude comments about you In a sneakily way

Tripp: She's just acting foolish for no reason.

Justin: Uhh...Excuse you, Lucy is one of my favorite superstars of all time. Next Time, look me in the face before you sneak-talk about somebody...Fooliots!!!

by Cinnamon Pilcher June 27, 2023