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Tripp is a very crazy guy that cares about people’s feelings and wants to get to know you better, he also is a very lovable guy and all the girls are after but he has his eyes on one girl and that girl is you!

Tripp is so amazing

by Lolzytq April 23, 2019

110πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


The hottest, coolest guy you can think of... He usually has a big penis and only likes the hottest girls. He is smart and muscular too.

Oh my god... Tripp asked me out and I can't wait to test drive that 10 inch dick!

by Biggy0987 November 13, 2010

169πŸ‘ 73πŸ‘Ž


A very handsome, hot guy, that is very confident but not quite cocky. He has a big penis and likes only the best girls b/c those are the girls that like him. He usually has blonde hair and green eyes but sometimes he will have blue eyes. He is also muscular but not too overly muscular.... in other words he is very fit. He is just a great guy. He is a perfect guy.

hot girl#1: Oh my god, look it's Tripp
hotgirl #2: Holy shit, i want him so bad
hot girl #1: so do i....maybe we should try and have a threesome with him
hot girl #2: but he is dating haley whos only the hottest and best girl in the school

by chaz4011 April 5, 2011

67πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž


To trip and fall so bad you spell it with two ps

Man you just fell down

I know it was so bad its a Tripp with two ps

by Mossy.MS April 14, 2023


A Tripp is a guy who is very nice and always has bogeys on him. They have long blond hair and big blue eyes. They can always make you laugh no matter what kind of mood you are in. Tripps are party people who like to get high. They are always wearing black and listen to scary music. They usually have amazing girlfriends who like to have fun and are very attractive.

McKenzie: Omg, Steph is soo dating a Tripp!!

Paige: I know! I wish i was her.

by McKenzie:) <3 Tripp April 12, 2009

55πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž



Tripp is the dopest dude you'll ever meet

Acronym creds to Eddie

Referred to as Tripp by only the dopest.
Called TJ by the majority of people to intimidated to even speak his real name.

by T.R.I.P. September 5, 2018

8πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


verb: to trick a friend into sword fighting...as in...smacking your dicks together.

Damn! Steve tripped me!

by stevieb547547 November 4, 2010

31πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž