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make up artist

Anyone who randomly makes shit up for shear entertainment of hearing them self talk. For example a complusive or pathological liar.

Listen to Doug talkin all dat bullshit. He's a ol' make up artist from way back.

by Nate Blaszczyk January 24, 2008

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Make-up money

When the subject of the conversation is not the primary bread winner in a relationship. Usually a girl who underachieves at work because her partner is the primary wage earner and the extra income/stress isn't necessary.

Jean isn't that bothered, she's just after make-up money.

by grimboj May 12, 2011

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eat make-up

they may be beautiful to look at, but the moment they start talking, their personality is not so beautiful. Therefore, tell them to eat make-up so they can be beautiful on the inside as well.

Hot girl with a bitchy attitude doesn't acknowledge you,

you say "go eat make-up... bitch"

by gpen April 25, 2012

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Make-Up Fox

A girl that looks stunning with the slap on, but looks completely different with make-up off, usually a wrong'un

Gary: You seen Charlotte tonight? She's usually a brown-bagger but tonight she looks fine!
Paul: Yeah dude it's all that slap, she's a total make-up fox

by Marcabre September 14, 2015

princess make-up

After a night of partying and waking up and still having the same make-up on and just refreshing it and going about you day

"We drank so much last night, I had to go to work with princess make-up on"

"Is my princess make-up look awful or am i okay to leave the house?"

by KRO$$ January 19, 2012

Genetic make-up

Genetic make-up is when you see someone who has one astounding feature and nothing else (such as a great ass but a flat chest and a butterface.) It's God's way of making it up to a person for screwing them in every other way.

God: "Hey, sorry about the flat chest, bad skin, and no brains. Here's an amazing ass. It's my genetic make-up to you."

God: "Yeah, I made you tall, thin, and socially awkward. I'll make it up to you. Here's a 10 inch crank."

by shock6906 June 28, 2011

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kiss and make up

Try to get along with everyone, no matter how different they may be from us.

Let's put all our social, economic and political differences aside, and kiss and make up.

by Sexydimma April 24, 2021

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