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noun A white, racist, stubborn old man who has no ass and no front teeth

Pascalsβ€”2 or more pascalβ€”dangerous, avoid if possible by using evasive maneuvers.

Pascal(s) is/are usually found roaming the western regions of France.

Hey look at that Pascal! He smells like a old mattress

Oh no there are multiple pascals in thag

by ajajajddwad January 18, 2019

1πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Pascal's Wager

Fallacious argument trotted out by religious believers, particularly in the Judeo-Christian tradition, in favour of belief in divinity. The argument goes as follows: you may either believe in God or not, and he may or may not actually exist. If you believe in him, it is irrelevant if he doesn't exist (and by extension there is no afterlife), while if he does you are offered a place in the light eternal. If you don't believe in him, then if you are right it is irrelevant to your metaphysical fate and if you are wrong you will go to Hell. Therefore you might as well believe in him ... what do you have to lose?

Leaving aside the pettiness the argument ascribes to a supposedly all-loving and all-powerful God who has supposedly gifted us with some of the finest intellects on the planet, the problem with the argument is that it ignores the fact that a life lived in the firm belief in a supernatural entity is likely to be different from one lived in the acceptance that there is no such being. Belief in God seldom comes on its own, but as part of the package offered by a formal religion. As such, it frequently involves the acceptance of taboos and fears that have nothing to do with the rational or the physical world, and that are liable to crush any hope that many people may have for happiness it what may well be the only life they will ever know. Arguably it is shameful to give over what are likely the finest minds to have evolved in billions of years of life on Earth to such malarkey. Furthermore, there is of course the small matter expounded by that great religious thinker, Homer J. Simpson, in the well-known Simpson Rebuttal.

Pascal's Wager is a fallacious wager.

by Fearman February 24, 2008

72πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

Francine Pascal

1) Author of teen series: Sweet Valley High and Fearless/Fearless FBI. Also wrote The Ruling Class.

1) "Francine Pascal just came out with a new fearless book came out today! Too bad she doesn't even write her own books. She comes up with the idea and then someone else writes it for her."

"That's probably why it sucks then."

by BitcharoniMacaroni October 11, 2009

pascal special

when someone gets fucked on a bathroom floor or any other strange place for sex

"yeah she said she had bruises cause he gave her a pascal special."

by gangstahhhhhhh June 22, 2009

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Pascall Swirl

A type of confectionary that can solve any problem.

Allergic to Pascall Swirls? Have a Pascall Swirl.

by Voldemite July 30, 2011

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Adam Pascal

The singer/actor who originated the part of Roger in the rock musical Rent. Also has released two solo rock CD's, Model Prisoner and Civilain. He's also really hot.

Person One: You know that guy who's in rent, Adam Pascal? He's pretty hot.
Person Two: Damn straight!

by liz topaz June 28, 2005

340πŸ‘ 232πŸ‘Ž

Blaze Pascal

A verb meaning, to get intoxicated on marijuana. A play on the name Blaise Pascal, a French mathematician for whom the unit of pressure, a Pascal, a programming language, and Pascal's Law were named after.

Stoner 1: I gotta joint here, let's Blaze Pascal!

Stoner 2: Oh man, I'm gonna get soooo Blaze Pascalled this weekend!

by Blaze Pascal June 22, 2006

23πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž