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Preach it sister

A saying used when someone is ranting about something comparing their rant with a gospel preacher.
It can be a good or a bad rant, but the use of "Preach it sister" is often ironic.

Girl 1: I need feminism because rape.....
Guy 1: Preach it sister!

Guy 2: Xbox One is far superior to Playstation 4, its CPU...

Guy 3: Preach it sister!

by Mooseslayer June 13, 2014

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preach around

The sexual favor returned at ryans confessional

Ryan was arrested for giving the preacher the "preach around"

by PatrickJT69 April 3, 2008

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bleach and preach

a statement used by the bleach squad for praying and drinking bleach

maddi and billy say bleach and preach

by sharks28 October 26, 2016

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Preaching Sheik

Someone who goes around preaching to the unseen crowd. They can be found in quiet places, or if they are bold, in public, speaking to those who are not there, or to those who are hidden. Most preaching sheiks are borderline or full blown schizophrenics, though are not always crazy, as they appear to be.

Preaching sheiks give entertaining speeches and acts to the spirit world which watches them constantly. This may also be their way of praying to God in a very different style and manner.
if you happen to witness a preaching sheik in action, whether by hearing them preach or watching them put on a show to what appears to be nobody, keep in mind that you might be just the audience they are looking for.
Though alcohol and/or drugs may be involved in the sheik's sermon, they can do it completely sober. They simply choose to exercise their ability to talk outloud when and where they feel comfortable.

Guy#1: Did you see that dude drink a six pack all alone as he talked to himself for like an hour?

Guy#2: Lol, he didn't just talk bro, he danced and laughed at some pretty funny shit. By the way he was talking to whoever might be listening, he's a preaching sheik, not a nutcase.

by JaySteeze January 14, 2015

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preaching to the priest

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaye tapta hai Loray !!!! It means dont teach the priest to do his mother efing Job .

daanish said " preaching to the priest "and arham had to be a bitch about it !

by Ddawg1722 October 21, 2013

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you are preaching to the choir

Another way to say I agree

Person 1: Do you think we should move the table?
Person 2: you are preaching to the choir

by Suitability October 5, 2017

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papa dont preach

a term that one uses to say that there father is in fact not a member of the clergy

my papa dont preach

by Lee Holland September 17, 2003

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