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1: To put money in a bank.

2: To rely on something or someone. (eg: I was banking on this happening).

3: A building where they charge you a fortune for the least little thing (eg: ยฃ30 to tell you you're overdrawn). I went in one bank for an international money order. The women who dealt with them (no-one else was allowed the keys to the desk with the IMOs in) had gone to lunch, wouldn't be back for another fifteen minutes. So, after a lot of hanging around the town centre, I went back to the bank only to find they didn't have any remaining IMOs. Given that IMOs are pieces of paper with printed writing on them which the bank sell for ยฃ8 each, I'm sure it can't be a case of them not being able to afford more with the profits they make (given that they also employ as few people as possible to keep their profits up). They'll have some more IMOs 'soon'. Whether that means tomorrow, next week, next month or next year I don't know. But you'd think they'd order more IMOs when they're running low on them, not wait until after they've run out.

The bank will put the squeeze on you alright - until you pop.

by Stormsworder November 16, 2006

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Anus/Rectum; where prison inmates hide contraband from guards.

They keep their drugs in the bank.

by BostPlay May 31, 2007

12๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


a term meaning to finish a task that may have taken awhile or take on a task non stop until it is finished, due to spike of motivation.

Dude, I totally banked on that project, its not even due until the end of the semester.

by dubbz-fitty2 March 5, 2010

16๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


Ejaculating without an erection.

Rick the spic was still horny after ejaculating the first time, so he decided to start banking.

by SoaR Banks November 18, 2011

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The punch someone in the face.

Say somethin' else crazy and I'm gone bank you in yo grill.

by DaRealPsyko December 31, 2008

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A verb, meaning to earn a substantial sum of money

"How was work last night"
"Yo, we banked"

by Anonymous October 19, 2003

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This word used by someone to confirm the act said by another person must be done, similar to "Tell her". If said sentence is banked and then not completed then the speaker is a twat and everyone ignores them until said sentence occurs.

Banks can be revoked, but only by the person whom placed the bank upon the speaker.

It derives from the popular game show "The Weakest Link", in which the word 'Bank' is spoken by a member of the team whom wishes to bank money already gained.

Henry: Would you moonie that car over there?
George: Yeah of course.
Henry: Bank.
George: *Moonies the car*

George: I may as well just get my dick out now.
Fred: Bank.
George: *Gets his dick out*

John: Look, there's that guy who never did his 'Bank', let's ignore him forever.

by Georgespie September 3, 2012