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cock tease

Meghan Gibbions

teasing a cock.
One who does a "cock tease" is gibs
one who leads some one on.
one who fools around but doesnt follow through.

by Soccer 101 YAY April 7, 2009

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cock tease band

1. A Band who has at least one sexy female member but she is deeply invovled with someone or married.
2. Band's whose lead singer is hot but completely unattainable.

Sure, Dirt Bike Anne has a girl in the band.... but she's MARRIED!! They're a cock tease band. They tease my cock!

by KillaSmooth September 3, 2006

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[cock] tease

A girl at parties, who flirts with all the guys, gets really drunk, leads them on into a false sense of secruity and then blows them off.

"Yo man, did you get with her"

"Nah man"

"Why not, you were on it all night?"

"Nah man, she's a total cock tease"

by GPSK December 20, 2008

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Platonic Cock Tease

A woman or man who uses their attractiveness to obtain attention from a friend or acquaintance they don't wish to date.

After the third date with nothing, I beginning to think she's just a platonic cock tease.

by Mickey & The Wonder Twins October 13, 2011

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God damn, fat-e is always a real fucking cock tease!

by beavis March 18, 2003

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colorado cock tease

when you fuck a girl in the forest when its snowing then she takes your cock out and puts it in the snow till it gets limp than she puts it back in

I was out on the skiing range and i was trying to fuck some girl but she kept giving me a colorado cock tease

by Patrick Fernandes/ Project Pat March 1, 2009

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Job-ad cock tease

A job advertisement which is presented in a way which misleads you into initially thinking you have a chance of getting the job. However, on closer inspection, the job will turn out to be one you cannot possibly get. Especially common are those advertised in their title as 'suitable for graduates', but then in the second line state 'experience needed.' This creates anger and discouragement among those who are job hunting.

'I got my hopes up when I saw this job advertised for graduate analysts, but after I read on it said you needed 2 years experience. Looks like it's back to McDonald's for me. Fuck, what a Job-ad cock tease !'

by Thrisis Bob May 5, 2010

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