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worked dat ass

when someone plays a trick on you and they weren't tellin da truth.

boi:Hey itz sumthin on ur shirt.
gurl: 4 real (looks down)
boi: sike worked dat ass

by ariana atwater January 28, 2004

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Robin Hood Dat Ass

to rape someone and steal their organs

Person 1: After i rape you im gonna steal your organs dawg

Person 2: Did you just say you were gonna robin hood dat ass?

by Vitamin V April 2, 2010

can of bounce dat ass

It's means some one ASS or BREATH smelling like something strong and stank and they need to wash they fish stick ass

Damn her breath smell like a can of bounce dat ass!!

by Jazzy Phae507 September 19, 2022

toot dat ass up

Politley asking someone to prepare themselves for anal sex

You my buttercup, and I'ma need you to toot dat ass up!!

by Thanks Spanks October 20, 2017

69πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Toot dat ass up

A word or term that’s used in Prison when a inmate wants a man’s genitals or butt.

Big fella, you wanna throw that back up, I want you to toot dat ass up.


You gonna do yo time while getting hit from behind, now toot dat ass up.


Since yo girl wanna blow that back up, she can go on and toot dat ass up.

by Mack daddy of daddies June 28, 2021

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Chris Brown Dat Ass

When you get so pissed off at your bitch that you beat the living shit out of her until she cries for her daddy.

Jacob- Maayyynnn I found out Felicia was sleeping around on me, and that bitch tried to deny it. So I Chris Brown Dat Ass

by JinkleTinkle February 26, 2009

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gimme dat ass

When a girls ass is thicc and sexy or you want to fuck a girls ass

me: gimme dat ass

my girlfriend: oh you wanna have sex

me: gimme dat ass

my girlfriend: you thin my ass is thicc and sexy Thank you

by my discord is Annoyingdog#7961 September 27, 2021

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