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dad material

A boy or man who's very sexy or hot in a good way

Woah .... look at him he's dad material

by Kaylas194849291000 October 23, 2017

Bunker Material

A highly skilled and multifaceted woman who is so intelligent, she is deemed worthy of being your apocalyptic bunker partner.

That Alma chick has two Master degrees and a bunch of stock investments, she’s bunker material!

My girlfriend did my Ochem homework, cooked, and played video games with me - bunker material!!!

by SliceMaster69 March 18, 2020

material thickness

(adj.) Description of a voluptuous woman, whether it is a nice juicy big booty or a nice set of jugs or a combination thereof.

Hey check the material thickness on Suzie, she has got it goin' on!

by El Magico May 29, 2007

15πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

jack material

Items looked at to obtain pleasure while jacking off.

Usually a picture, but can be a video.

While surfing MySpace I found many doogie's that posted pictures that made excellent JACK MATERIAL.

by Brownie Johnson August 11, 2006

25πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Jerk Material

When you see a girl/woman who u would love to have a crack at or jerk off to.

Can be in real life or on the internet/magazine

Man, I saw this girl at the mall today with a crazy short skirt and legs for days, talk about 'Jerk Material!'

by Sauncunt October 25, 2009

16πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Material Gworl

Basically a girl who is fabulous and a girl who is a slay.

Kay is a Material Gworl

by kay a. January 18, 2022

91πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

Boyfriend Material

Kim Namjoon is the embodiment of Boyfriend Material and nobody can argue otherwise.

Anti: ew this namjook guy is gross

An Intellectual: uhm, no, you see his sweater? Thats boyfriend material right there.

by sopestan December 21, 2018

195πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž