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Left shoulder pain

Term used in gym community, left shoulder pain gives you an excuse for not benching your max

A How much do you bench?
B 4o5, but I can't do it right now
A why?
B I have left shoulder pain
A So how much can you do right now?
B 225

by niewiem666 December 5, 2022

Gaming with your head on your shoulders

Slang for erectile distinction when trying to please a girl

Friend 2 :I was at a girls house last night, and I couldn't get it up.

Friend 2:Dude you were totally gaming with your head on your shoulders.

by Todoroki_is_my_dad August 20, 2021

Left Shoulder Moment

When one of the homies are rockin' a bit of a chub, but they don't wanna be too public about it. Can also be used if a guy sees something he likes in a sexual way.

Hey guys. *taps shoulder* *winks*

Hey, Matius! Look over there. Left shoulder moment, am I right?!

by Michael Churchill May 14, 2021

suzabug shoulder

suzabug shoulder is when u fail at every talent in existence and ur shoulder starts to hurt. jessie presscot is an example of this brutal injury.

"My suzabug shoulder has gotten worse!"

by reirei0820 April 23, 2022