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romeo john

A John that is more intrested in romancing a hooker and getting her to fall in love with him than having sex with her

Bill bought a six pack of wine coolers and some chocolate for his hooker tonight. He is such a Romeo John trying to get his hookers to fall in love with him.

by Romeoblues June 15, 2015

john gabanna

He is a legend, and he likes marijuana.
John Gabanna is the guy who fucks your mom from the back.

ja, ich ficke deine mama

von hinten rauch marijuana
sie lutscht an meinem dick
als wär ich john gabanna

by John Gabanna November 24, 2022

John Rana

A sexy beast who plays karuta

Person 1: "John Rana"

Person 2: "Fr."

by ShinnieIkari September 30, 2022

John Krasinski

Who is always Jim for us.
Jim Halpert

Other Person: "John Krasinski was totally great on lip sync battle"
Me: "Who is John?"
Other Person: "I mean Jim Halpert."

by oldtinbox October 31, 2017

John Burdette

John burdette is also known as a real talent behind the wheel of a race car. Known as the “real race car driver” he can rock a mullet, cowboy hat and suspenders. Fans in public places are admired by him as are most democrats.

I can win in your b main care because I’m John Burdette.

by The real rv1 January 13, 2023

John Ozminkowski

A vapid African American hoe that likes a Jessica Smith and celebreatss quanza even tho he’s white.

Wow you celebrate quanza even tho you are white with Jessica smith? You are such a John Ozminkowski.

by Gay African November 11, 2017

wobbly john

A noun used to describe the act of sniffing cocaine and ketamine at the same time.

Sonny: "I've just done a fat blast of coke and ket"
Lewis: "Cor you done a Wobbly John, mush"

by Wan King Byng August 8, 2024