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pecker validation

Bolstering a man's ego by worshipping his cock.

If it wasn't for her pecker validation, I would have less than zero self esteem.

by WoodsWhoak March 3, 2010

broken pecker

When the little general continually rises to attention and directs you to only the worst women (or men if you're gay) on the planet, while ignoring the ones who would make good life partners.

Check out that psycho bunny he's got this time, he needs to stop taking direction from a broken pecker.

by izzafartsmeller August 14, 2011


A pecker is a slang term for a penis.

Damn! Look at that monster pecker over there

by rawrxduwu August 17, 2018


One who types slow on the keyboard .

Wow your a pecker , that report should have been typed hours ago.

by Redneckmess November 8, 2017


Someone with a small penis

Little pecker their kid

by Urbantheturban July 8, 2019


an over confidant individual

have you spoke to the new kid, hes a right pecker

by nujon October 27, 2022


1. British slang for chin.

2. American slang for penis.

1. Keep your peckers up boys.

2. Keep your peckers up boy.

by DonG63 February 23, 2022