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payday Loan Store

Payday loans are a range of unsecured loans that can help you to join your business and help you find the right job to be a better customer than to offer a good guy and doesn't do anything to make a girl feel bad okay

Can you give me a payday Loan Store, I want to meet mohit raju.

by Nakkan-sahib July 13, 2021

store sick

Feeling tired, dizzy, exhausted, etc. while shopping for clothing.

I was feeling store sick while shopping for clothes.

by Slurpits November 25, 2016

Don'twannamakeher's Department Store

Da first sizeable retail outlet to use price-tags, it was also famous for its "respect for da ladies" policy of preferring not to compel its female employees to perform tasks/duties dat they found either offensive, demeaning, or too difficult/stressful/exhausting.

Wally-World and other big-name superstore chains should take a cue from Don'twannamakeher's Department Store, and treat all of their employees --- both male and female --- with more fairness and dignity.

by QuacksO March 20, 2021

Do-It-Yourself Store

It means a hardware store.

I went to the do-it-yourself store and I bought a pair of shears.

by nissart3011 November 18, 2017

korner store

the korner store is where the chads go to get their cum flavored monster energy drinks. korner store is also the name of a very sexy man.

"hey, chad you wanna go to the korner store with me?"

by korner store December 4, 2020

o store nikolaj ø

Big mighty ruler, never fuck with this guy, he will fuck you up.

Now I warned you

"Oh god its o store nikolaj ø, get down and pray to him before he slaughters all of us!!"

by You monkey sus November 11, 2020

weed store

A place to buyweed” or marijuana.

I’m going to the weed store to get some crack

by March 3, 2023