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Da belief system dat is followed by many of da "better half" individuals of da modern-day world, whereby they refuse to prepare meals for their male companions unless said testosterone-steeped hulks allow them appropriate respect and equality at all times.

Maybe if Golde and all da other "makers of proper/quiet/kosher homes" in Anatevka had practiced a period of faminism, Tevya and his fellow bewhiskered residents would have been pressured by their growling tummies to cast off the shackles of their long-obsolete and debilitatingly-oppressive "traditions", and instead begin to embrace da "new way" a bit more quickly and deeply.

by QuacksO November 14, 2022


What happens when retards slut out all of the women. Extinction by way of collective stupidity.

Hym "Yeah, this is great! Female choice is working great. Driving human evolution. Evolving us straight into a schizophrenic horde who cannot discern fact from fiction. Fantastic! I love it! Hopefully I survive my lymph node shit long enough to watch everyone die. I'm glad I didn't live a life of crime because I could have been running around and doing whatever the fuck I wanted and the outcome would have been the same. I think this deserves a round of applause πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘Famine? I guess I was right about the whole apocalypse thing. Great job me. Once again proven to be a genius!"

by Hym Iam July 30, 2022

famine padding

The fat found on a fat human being.

Harvey had gained a lot of weight. Maybe he thinks it is famine padding for an upcoming food shortage?

by Teratogen September 29, 2013


When the ingreadients for a famine have been met, it creates a situation for which a famine can be concocted.

The crickets were of famineous proportion.

by Idaho_Boy March 3, 2018

Weed Famine

The shortage of marijuana in a community for a prolonged period of time.

β€œHey do you know that guy?”
β€œYeah! I used to get bud from him, well before The Weed Famine.”

by witches240 October 1, 2021