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lucas lamont

A fat mother fucked who makes the worst first impression imaginable, although is pretty smart does not put in the work what so ever and because of that reason under achieves in everything he does, hasn't one a single thing in his entire life and has spent his whole entire life eating and playing xbox, is really really ugly and is a disappointment to his family as he procrastinates in everything, even things he wants to do.

oh god i’m turning into a lucas lamont

by ohmymymymy November 7, 2019

Gene Lamont

Is the real GOAT (the first ever GOAT)

Gene Lamont is the original GOAT

by The true/real Tom Brady April 3, 2018

Lamont Coffee

lamont Coffee is the best boyfriend, fiance, husband you can ever find. He will listen to you. He will care for you. He will be there for you when you need him. He's the best man in your life. When I mean by "your" I also mean mines. <3.

Lamont Coffee is the best

by secreteadmire0923 March 12, 2022

lamont rogers

awsome and confident. Also, talantedand very good in sports IF YOU EVER GET A CHANCE TO DATE A PERSON WITH THIS NAME DON'T EVER LET HIM GO!

lamont rogers should be skilled in b-ball and football

by Jennifer dickerson December 3, 2013


very very very very owl who is wet and also very owl

'That owl is Lamont!'

by syrupninja25 April 6, 2022


a gay ass nigga with a big body and 1 inch sized dick

Oh my god! His dick is a shrimp he must be a Lamont!

by lolgetrektbyanigga December 20, 2021


A person in your friend group, is extraordinarily always on bs.

Kendal is a Lamont ass nigga.

by Bozzi September 19, 2020