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An extremely sexy and hot male specimen. Good for everything. And that means everything. Very tappable and an incredible video game player

Lamont Blankly

by flameyou1 December 28, 2013

538👍 182👎


A spelling mistake for the word lmao

Bob: “Yo that was a crazy class today.”
Jim: “Lamont I know I couldn’t stop laughing.”
Bob: “What.”

by LiquidyLemons March 12, 2021

49👍 20👎


A really cool dude with a great taste in shoes. Really good with the ladies when it comes down to it

Get yous a Lamont.

by Savvvvysav November 8, 2016

101👍 63👎


Lamont is a devious handsome young man. He’s Always on demon time and is also a rizz god. Legend says Lamont is also the one that they call Milkdud.

Lamont was doing what he always do today.

by MRK14 November 29, 2021


He “seems” to be a lot of things.

I can only confirm he has an old maid fetish.

A: “Something is holding me back from saying Lamont was lovebombing.”

B: “Ugh, what makes you say that?”

A: “He doesn’t talk to anyone… do you really think he gets a mystical ego boost from playing this random girl? Who else?”

B: “Hmm, I never thought to apply logic to the situation.”

by RiddleThis December 15, 2022


A guy who is sexy asl and who has a very big heart who is also bipolar and he has a really big dick


by 2k19 September 27, 2018

54👍 43👎


Nice body and sexy species. That's good with the ladies .has a nice taste in shoes

Get u a lamont

by Kingdrippy April 8, 2017

27👍 30👎