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Taken to the outlet mall

A euphemism for being captured by fast zombies.

We're very sorry, sir, but it seems Major Bill has been taken to the outlet mall.

by Mateo incognito November 24, 2008

Baby outlet

Another word for the "baby chute", typically after a woman has gone through at least one natural delivery resulting in a notable increase in elasticity.

*leans back on her elbows, spreads legs* - C'mon daddy, let's go down to Baby Outlet and see if there's a sale going on...

by ICantKeepCalmImGettingMarried May 5, 2023

the outlets

the outlets are the fandom of the addison rae fanpage outletraae. they are known to be a very sweet fandom to everyone unless someone is rude to them or outletraae. the fandom consists of many different fandoms, such as bebes sunraes dunkins and sharkies etc.

outletraae haters: eww her edits look horrible
the outlets: well atleast she CAN edit..

by outletraae January 29, 2021


One who receives goods from “ the plug

Yo, my outlet tried to upsell me my OWN product !!!

by micheal_crow_69 November 5, 2023


Tiny faces in your walls that get metal jammed in their eyes when the baby gets access to the silverware drawer

Person 1: did you hear about little jimmy?
Person 2: what happened to him?
Person 1: he stuck fork in the outlet!
Person 2: well at least I dont have to do self

by Homicidal toaster April 19, 2021

Outlet Shag

An individual who is otherwise extremely physically attractive although may have one or a few minor eccentricities, such as boz-eyes or a slight lisp. Therefore, it is likely that they could be somewhat humbler than their "equilateral" counterparts, as they have probably only just attained their sexual prime later on in life, and as a result are less bitchy or temperamental. The lessened emotional strain is sort of like a discount or an outlet price, only with one's sexuality instead of something like a merino wool sweater.

Cameron Dante's Inferno:Wow, X from finance is so hot. Xe has a bit of a wonky eye that always spins 270 degrees when they sneeze, but that's okay because xe is so fine.

Margaret Chow: A bit out an outlet shag am I right?

by Shona Willie November 27, 2017

emotional outlet

penis pussy penis

i like penis pussy penis emotional outlet

by THUGGADOLL November 17, 2020