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Arnav with a little bit of spice

Varun is sharing his identity. Sharing is caring!

by silverfish in Varun's room November 8, 2022

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


to be lazy, loud,and loves to watch porn and eat a sub on a friday

varune diaphram

by jackhammer89 October 20, 2010

7๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

Varun Kumar

The personification of good vibes.

Varun kumar often refers to the wittiest person in the room. Varun is the whole package with the best smile, the most contagious laugh, and the purest heart.

Varun Kumar is someone in your life who you just cannot let go.

I'm falling in love with him, He's a Varun Kumar after all

by Maadz2707 July 23, 2019

21๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Varun Chethan

(Also known as the gay tennis player)While a girl is giving you head. Start crying deeply and then when she looks up to ask what's wrong, insert your penis into her bellybutton and blow your load. Then finish with a karate chop to the throat. Hilarity ensues.

Dude, i gave this milf the varun chethan, and she got me back by squirting in my ear.

by I T-bag Little Asians May 17, 2009

45๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

varun glizzy

a massive intergalactic voluptuous 7-incher owned by varun that created the universe through ejaculation.


by The Holy VG March 4, 2022

Varun Dhawan

Varun Dhawan is Bollywood actor. He is the most successful actor in Bollywood and the only actor in Bollywood whose all movies are successful.
He is said to be the prince of Bollywood and has massive fan following among youth.

Type name of a Bollywood actor with no flop movie?
Varun Dhawan. He has turned out to be the only actor in the history of Bollywood with all successfull movies since inception of his career.

by Bollywood Fan January 17, 2018

43๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mr Varun

Mr Varun is a worst play boy . Varun loved 3000 girls in 1 year

Mr Varun is coming , u mean varun play boy

by Uabnna August 22, 2021