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Walker is such a massive cool kid that all the gay males in the school would die for him. This LGBTQ+ male, is so gay, that the term faggot was created to describe him. He is sometimes called the "special child" because of his constant spasms that cause his arm to plant on his chest and then proceed to screech loudly whenever he sees another gay man. Sadly, he was hit by a bus. He recovered, but not without catching chronic autism. Since then, he has become the coolest kid in the school and he lived happily ever after.

Gay male: "What is something that is measured in nano-meters?"
Bi-sexual female: "Walker's pp XD."

by Waluigesus November 13, 2018

4๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž


Heโ€™s clumsy and dumb and ugly but heโ€™s cool with mostly everyone. He is very confused about life because heโ€™s sad and doesnโ€™t know what to do. He is also semi athletic and kinda short

Walker is a dumb hoe.

by xoxodumbwhitekid November 21, 2019

2๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


Is the gayest person youโ€™ll ever meet. Although he may look nice he is actually very sensitive and moody.

Yeah heโ€™s such a walker

by YaBoiBigBird October 22, 2017

2๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


A fat fuck no one gives a shit about, fuck you.

Person 1: did you see Walker yesterday?

Person 2: yeah I hope he fucking dies.

by -XxLewdDewdxX- January 26, 2017

3๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž


A amazing guy who has a nice ass and is always trying to show off he is super hot and sweet all around

I need me a walker

by Jabdbnens October 27, 2017

1๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


Walkerism is a philosophy/Ideology forged by the mind of Alexander "The One And Only" Walker that revolves around the capability to unshackle the mind of all irrelevant issues pushed on to you by "The System" from "Space Monkeys".

In any form or added idea, Walkerism allows you to grip at what message Alexander Walker is trying to convey usually via his YouTube channel "Walker Wisdom".

Man 1: "My life is much better when I can control my mind."
Man 2: "How's that?"
Man 1: "The ways of Walkerism has taught me true self accountability in order to allow my mind to reach a higher potential."

by TylerDurden_75 June 17, 2023


A word used to describe behaviour similar to that of a Walker. Such behaviours include, but are not limited to; Light but frequent bullshitting (Particularly over cock size), proving to be difficult to contact, or being unreliable in general.

Smith-"Shite,man. Duncan's just told me he'd get Green Day tickets but didn't and now they're sold out."

Lesley-"Haha, m8. Sounds like you got heavy Walkered".

by FieldsOfNeat June 21, 2017