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dorm food

1. Food eaten by college students, typically freshman, who live in residence halls or dormitories. This food is usually pretty shitty and the students only eat it because it comes free with living on campus.

2. Shitty food in general. Any type of food that is cheap, tastes bad, and/or is rarely preferred.

1. Student 1: You want to go to Burger King after class to chow down on some delicious cheeseburgers?

Student 2: No, dude, I'm broke, I'll probably just grab some dorm food later.

Student 1: Nasty!!!

2. Guy 1: So what'd you have for dinner last night?

Guy 2: IDK, my wife made this dorm food from scratch, it was pretty bad.

by UDY April 3, 2008

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Cold Dorms

Also known as the CD's, this is the arena where fraternity street cred is born. Young gentlemen pork, blast, punish, drill, much, beak, and rail their way to stardom in this facility. It is an aggregation of blankets and bunks and it smells like used condoms and beer farts.

We slammed Kamchatka all night with the pi betas and we didn't even make it to Kilpiss because they were horny and just wanted to go straight to the cold dorms and take names.

by Phil T May 22, 2006

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Dorm Rules

It's not gay if there's no eye contact

"Five knuckle shuffle?"
"Dorm rules!"

by Naughtopus May 24, 2019

dorm sloots

large groups of freshman girls at UCSB. known for dancing on furniture and drinking all your boos.

Fucking dorm sloots always get me in trouble.

by mikeSBCC July 3, 2009

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dorm whore

1. a woman that lives in a dorm that practices sex as often as humanly possible.

2. A woman who has had sex with the majority of males or females residing in a dorm building.

She has had sex with all of the guys, she is a dorm whore.

by shiggity-shiggity-schwha March 3, 2006

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Dorm Wrestling

When two gay men are engaging in sex inside a dorm that they both share. The slang and definition are believed to come from some branch of the military when two gay men said they were wrestling as an excuse for being walked in on while in the act of sex.

A classic case of dorm wrestling:

Serviceman Johnson and Serviceman Hernandez were caught engaging in intercourse when their 1st Lieutenant walked in on the act. "WTF are you guys doing!?" asked the 1st Lieutenant, to which the servicemen replied, "Uh... we were wrestling... and we slipped."

by Anono Guy January 18, 2008

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dorm slut

The girl who sleeps in everyone elses dorm...except her own.

"Rosaland, why can't you sleep in your own bed, you freakin' dorm slut!"

by $Andrea$ February 24, 2006

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