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Square Jaw McGraw

My personal nickname for film star Brian Thompson.

Examples of films/TV Series he's been in:
Mortal Kombat 2 - Shao Khan
Buffy (TV) - The Judge
Cobra - the serial killer dude

"OMG, It's Square Jaw McGraw

by Bob Bobberson June 6, 2005

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A sweet and wonderful person. Someone who loves their family immensely. A fierce and proud parent. An amazing daughter, sister and wife. Do yourself a favor and befriend a McGraw.

“You’re such a McGraw, I love it”

by unknowingsb November 23, 2021


Mcgraw ny a small village of a bunch of assholes, country kids, ppl who think they’re from “the hood” and furry gay weirdos. Welcome to McGraw!

The town of McGraw? I heard their school sucks ass!

by yeah.com338 December 7, 2021

Gracie McGraw

When you sleep with a creature of the night.

Last night was crazy. Bagged me a Gracie McGraw.

by Mr707 June 2, 2015

John McGraw

The act of being a pussy when the bros wanna do something fun

Hey Jake, wanna go to the strip club

Nah man, I’m feeling pretty John McGraw

by 0o0o0ooooo000o June 15, 2019


a sexual act equal to the orgasmicness of looking at Tim McGraw. because he is that sexy.

1: what did you do this weekend?
2: me and my boyfreind...well we were McGrawing hardcore. it was amazing.
1: wow. TMI. really.

by mcnamara11 September 24, 2007

Fibber McGraw

What Dr. Phil really is regarding his professional qualifications and ethics.

Like da famous mid-20th-century radio-comedy dude, Fibber McGraw surely has a "stuffed closet" full of assorted "baggage" --- i.e., a "fallen" professional life, past transgressions, and other highly-questionable behavior.

by QuacksO March 2, 2021