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fry up my ass

a guy who is addicted to kfc but eats to much taco bell and likes to hand out fry's and cock

Alissa: can I have a fry
fry up my ass: sure pull it out my ass and eat some cock

by eat my add boiiiiii January 14, 2020

Rocky mountain exploring up my ass

It means that your getting fucked by a bbc and it cums

Jon : Oh my god I just went rocky moutain explored up Jenny ass and I loved it!!

Mark : Damn you're a lucky dude.

Rocky mountain exploring up my ass

by Saw-illydfss September 28, 2018

Well fuck my ass and call me a bitch

A term invented by mina loves spaghetti to express his fetish desire and insatiable thirst for cocks. It can also be used to show shock or suprise

Mina won the award for the gayest person on the group chat;

"Well fuck my ass and call me a bitch"

by G4nero November 1, 2023

sugar puff my ass

SUGAR PUFF MY ASS - General referring to applying granulated sugar, flavored cool aid, tang, the contents of a candy straw or Stevia if you are a health nut, to a foxy ladies willing derriere and anal orifice with a straw before you dive in and eat it like you have been stranded and starving on a remote island for months.

Can also refer to applying a generous amount of cocaine (mixed with sweetner) to the inside of a partners anal orifice before dining in, / when used in combination with sugar or other sweetner. (similar to Gack Blowing)

"The practice of filling a drinking straw with Cocaine, inserting one end into a willing anus and then blowing the cocaine into the Ass." - only used in combination with a sweetner to produce both a longer lasting high and great tasting ass!

I am really looking forward to sugar puffing that fine ass fox's ass and then eating it like a plate of shrimp, steak and lobster !
I washed my ass for you, please sugar puff my ass and then eat it daddy!

by MegaGiver April 18, 2018

She farted on my ass



by she farted on my discs January 12, 2021

Sweating my ass off

Ass shitting water from heat or in embarrassment of something stupid

It’s so hot I’m sweating my ass off here

by Jazznight January 5, 2022

My Ass Is On Fire

I'll stab you (I'll stab you, stab you)
Clumps of hair in the sink
Who's hiding things from me?

You knew all along, god damn it
But you wouldn't tell me
Well, look at you now

It's not funny, my ass is on fire
Paraplegic, inhuman liar

Carve a smile on your face
Everything's great, suffocate

Fuck, what you looking at fuck?
What you looking at fuck?
Don't you fucking look at me
Don't you fucking look at me
Don't you fucking look at me
It's beyond my control, it's beyond my control
It's beyond, oh, I'm coming

It's not funny, my ass is on fire
Paraplegic, inhuman liar


Redundant, redundant, redundant, redundant
Redundant, redundant, redundant, redundant
Redundant, redundant, redundant, redundant
Redundant, redundant, redundant, redundant
Redundant, redundant, redundant, redundant
Redundant, redundant, redundant, redundant
Redundant, redundant, redundant, redundant
Boring, boring, boring, boring, boring, boring

Excuse me, I am lost, please help me

Will there be anything else, Mister Bungle?
No, that's fine Carl, thank you
So you see Mister Bungle, Dylan's fucking up your whole campaign
He's totally incompetent, Sleeper-X commercials
Will be laughed off of television if you approve his campaign

Well, that's very interesting
I never thought too much of Dylan, now that you mention it
And I'm starting my own agency Mister Bungle
I could do a hundred percent better job than that turkey
I'll bet you could, what you say is very interesting
In fact, you're very interesting

Oh, Mister Bungle, I didn't know you were interested
And you will give me your account for my new agency?
Later honey, we'll talk business later
Right now I want to make love to your beautiful, beautiful body, ah

by Gothic Miscreant October 21, 2023