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Gamer kid

Says his dad owns Microsoft or Sony. Gets angry easily. And jerks off with two fingers in a porta potty. never go's outside. Can talk shit and is bad at roasting.

And is a virgin.

Oh god it's the gamer kid agian

by SmugKid September 5, 2021

Gamer Kid

Also known as Beckett

Beckett is a gamer kid

by Beckett the Emo kid May 26, 2022

nueva kid

either really rebellious or complete nerds that don't have a social life outside of their schoolwork and brawl stars. they often suck at athletics except for the people on really good club teams outside of school. i hate all of them and they all suck get me out of this hellhole of a school

the only events at the middle school are occasional underwhelming dances and understocked and overpriced fundraiser bakesales. the tuition is way too high (more than 50k???) considering the quality of the food and amount asked for us to donate.

shinshia shenshei will never stop yapping so rip if you want worktime during class (she will take all of the time talking about her knee surgery and extensive family members we dont care)

person 1: did you see that nueva kid over there?

person 2: bye i hagte nueva kids

person 1: oh

by nuevakid2 May 3, 2024

Kershaw kid

A kershaw kid is someone who is a poverty scruff who usually cant afford a kender egg

Oh my god, have you seen your self you kershaw kid

by Wasteman391726 March 9, 2018

playground kid

A kid that plays fortnite just to practice in a gamemode called playground just to practice his building and editing. Meaning he plays the game without having fun.

DuoMember1: Wtf, that guyis so fucking sweaty.
DuoMember2: Such a playground kid.

by HowDoesThisEvenMakeSense August 17, 2020

One of those kids

Henry Wooster

Oh youre one of those kids

by notoneofthosekids November 9, 2019

Resume kid

One of those (usually upper-middle class white) assholes that only does anything to put on their resume, or to look better for colleges. They join lots of clubs and organizations, but never put any effort into them, or put in the minimum effort to remain a member; they've been out of more groups than you've been a part of, especially groups that look good on paper but don't actually do anything (the kids that start "charities" in high school and write their college app letters on how their trip to Ghana changed their lives are a prime example). They don't actually care about anything other than the nebulous goal of "achievement".
Often a premed.

Alice: Carol just joined the physics club!
Bob: Yeah, but she's just a resume kid, so she'll never actually come to meetings.

by bojanglesshovel January 27, 2019