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Resume kid

One of those (usually upper-middle class white) assholes that only does anything to put on their resume, or to look better for colleges. They join lots of clubs and organizations, but never put any effort into them, or put in the minimum effort to remain a member; they've been out of more groups than you've been a part of, especially groups that look good on paper but don't actually do anything (the kids that start "charities" in high school and write their college app letters on how their trip to Ghana changed their lives are a prime example). They don't actually care about anything other than the nebulous goal of "achievement".
Often a premed.

Alice: Carol just joined the physics club!
Bob: Yeah, but she's just a resume kid, so she'll never actually come to meetings.

by bojanglesshovel January 27, 2019

Karate Kid

When someone intentionally injures the opponent to gain the advantage. Term derived from the injury scene in Karate Kid.

Zaza Pachulia pulled a karate kid on Kawhi Leonard, now the Spurs are gonna lose the series.

by cosmicunity May 26, 2017

Bow Kid

The Luigi of A Hat In Time. Basically the same as Hat Kid, but with very curly hair and dark skin.

“Hey, have you tried a Bow Kid run in AHiT?”
“Oh, that girl that got cancelled before she even existed in the game?”

by CCKat January 31, 2021

bow kid

the 2nd player/protanganist in a hat in time

person 1: can i play as bow kid
person 2: NO im bow kid

by _verycatty247 October 5, 2022

CPK “Copper Penny Kid”

Someone who goes down to perform oral, and goes right for the butthole.

Denny V is a huge CPK, loves the taste of the copper penny. He is the original CPK “Copper Penny Kid”

by MC3WOOD September 21, 2020

kull kid

The word a robloxian uses when trying to say cool kid but can't spell

"I'm such a kull kid"

by Robloxian diamond miner96 October 2, 2018