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counter strike trickshot

A thing that beginners can't do on Counterstrike. You have to master the game locations and find the perfect gun for you, which for a lot of snipers it's AWP, and master the trickshot, waiting until someone comes and jumping of your place, catching them off guard

Bro how do you do your counter strike trickshots?
You have to work, I worked 4500 hours for my trickshots, you have to have a good computer

by Papagei July 2, 2024

mortar strike

alex reigning death from above

holy shit look at that mortar strike

by myguymclovin December 17, 2018

mortar strike

multiple shits

dude i just shot a mortar strike into your toilet

by myguymclovin December 17, 2018

First Strike

A first strike just literally you (dumb little dicktators, presidents, or who ever the fuck you’re supposed to be) just spamming the nuke attack

Republic of Penis: I’m gonna do, IM GONNA DO MY FIRST STRIKE!1!1!1!!
City State of Kwanchelongeranzis: bruh nuke spammer 💀

by The Idiotic Neologist January 2, 2023

strike dust

N. The air that comes from the bowling return in an alley.

Get some strike dust on your hands so you can bowl a strike.

by Randall_orton_69 January 10, 2016

three strike rule

When you take a dump three times before having to start your day at work. It is an automatic day off.

I called off work today and told them "I struck out". I broke the three strike rule.

by tripleRdeuce April 21, 2023

Counter-Strike 2

CSGO but wayyyyyyyyyyy worse. No operation has been released since its launched, matchmaking is infested with cheater and bots, subtick feels terrible, has insane null bind, and so on.

Counter-Strike 2 is nothing compareed to CSGO

by edranka August 21, 2024