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Deer bash

Were you buy a jeep or truck and make a big bumper and drive around on backroads and see how hard you can hit a deer and then you have fresh meat in the freezer, or other pests as coons, possums, coyotes, squirrels

Yo i just went deer bashing and i got fresh backstrap

by Deerz May 13, 2020

Bish, Bash, Josh

Definition; A phrase used specifically related to airsoft in place of the commonly heard, "Bish, Bash, Bosh."

Did you see that shot? That was amazing!

I did mate, reloaded your mag and Bish, Bash, Josh.

by R Squad 1 October 9, 2023


Sharing the payment for several heads (bashs) of weed with friends or acquaintances. Bash-splitting usually happens when everybody within a circle is low on cash and the plug has a minimal order quantity higher than an individual can afford (5-10 bashs)

-Yo boyz, wanna get high tonight?
+ Yeah but shit man, im low on cash
-Same shit mans, but we can ask others and do some bash-splitting.

by paradoxxo October 2, 2019

dirty bash

The act of sticking a hard penis into another manes ear on his birthday.

Birthdays are so much better with a dirty bash in zacharys presence

by dick bob April 16, 2020


To say rude things about someone behind their back or on the internet.

Example: I hate Rebecca so much she’s such a bitch

2nd person: why are u bashing her

by Shhssb January 21, 2018


To be balls deep essentially.

Was bashing my Mrs and that’s why I was late for work sorry boss.

by Mrmatwetle November 5, 2020


Something readers of the manhwa Tower of God spend a lot of time doing whenever the manhwa is on hiatus

Person 1: I could have spent the afternoon discussing why Yihwa and Elaine are the two best Princesses of Jahad, or why Maschenny could easily beat any of the Family Heads, but instead I just talked about how much of a jobber Yama is.
Person 2: Seems like you spent the whole afternoon Yama-bashing again. Maybe you should give unOrdinary a try or take up basketball.

by Repellista November 24, 2022