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Fuzzy Nuzzle

When a chick shaved her pubes and then glues them to her chest.

My girlfriend suprised me with her fuzzy nuzzle last night.

by The real Minnow September 13, 2020

Nuzzle Puzzle

When two sexual partners cut out a square of their skin, cut the square into puzzle shapes, and sew them into each other’s skin while masturbating violently.

Yo me and Johnny boi were just doing the act nuzzle puzzle in the back room while Jim John Father Don was on break.

by Gangster Bacon 48 January 6, 2020

Nuzzle Bubble

1. a group of homosexuals connected interpersonally through routine gestures of affection such as cuddles, cheek kisses, and over-clothes dangle caresses developed, at least in part, to withstand and insulate against repeated pandemics.

See also: “boy soup”; “cuddle puddle

After a long night of hookin’, Nana is no longer in the nuzzle bubble.

by Yourhero2287 July 16, 2022


The act of touching faces with another person to show their love for each other. Often done by couples and is the coziest and cutest thing ever.

Omg, look how cute Jessica and Carl look nuzzling over there in the corner.

by sadlilnugget April 25, 2018


Super-soft-'n'-gentle arms-around dat you give someone "just 'cuz" --- i.e., you've already given him a major greeting-squeezie when he first showed up, and so now you're just tenderly holding him for an extended period to contentedly/seriously savor each other's heartbeats and long slow respirations.

Da nice thing --- one of many awesome aspects, actually! --- about giving a "sweet young thing" a nice long nuzzle-hug is dat you don't hafta eventually let her warm delightfully-alive self go in muscle-fatigued exhaustion da way you'd have to when giving a bear-hug, since said drowsily-affectionate zephyr-clasp requires very little strength or energy-expending to maintain. Bonus advantage --- said adorable chick won't likely feel particularly desirous to be released from said feather-light-'n'-tender embrace for a good while, anyway, since it won't make her feel squashed or pinioned, just da same as an open-palmed hands-clasp encourages her to let you hold her soft warm extremities for as long as you like, since said "palms merely rested on palms" positioning means dat she could always easily lift them away whenever she pleases, but she will respect and feel grateful for your wanting to keep her feeling unfettered, and so she likely will obligingly let you savor her warm softness for extended periods.

by QuacksO July 26, 2024

no more nuzzles

A song featured as the battle theme of Sir Nuzzles, a character from Undertale: Halloween Hack. Contrary to popular misconception, No More Nuzzles is NOT composed by Toby Fox.

What I’m trying to say is No More Nuzzles is a really good song and I can’t stop listening to it.

by unfreiz October 7, 2022