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intimidate daylight robbery

Point your 9mm accurately at the cashier with a serious fact not wearing a mask and maintain awkward contact that they give you the money without hesitation.

Robber2: That was a intimidate daylight robbery, you lazy fuck.

by deathcop4000 March 28, 2018

Pulling a robbery

To take a person from the relationship, and making a relationship work with said Robber instead.

Pulling a robbery is quite simple just ask your ex.

by Pulling a robbery. June 1, 2015

Armed Robbery

What the governments usually do with taxes and shit (usually far more common in South America)

They're charging taxes for buying off steam
-Now that's what you call armed robbery

by Spawn was Taken May 15, 2018

armed robbery

Da act of "stealing" a person out of da "administering da lovies" clasp of someone else so dat you yourself can hug said embraced person instead.

If you either (1) wait till da "current" hugger has finished embracing your "target" individual, or (2) politely/humbly ask da snuggling couple if you may "have a turn" wif da desired-by-you person, then it's not really "armed robbery", since both members of da couple are voluntarily allowing you "clasping 'n' caressing" privileges. Extra points if you (1) offer to engage in a group-hug wif both of them instead of just giving one of them a "separate" hug, so dat neither person even has to actually let go of da other after all, or (2) be sure to give da OTHER member of da couple a hug, too (maybe even before you embrace your "target" person, so dat said other person knows right off dat he is gonna "get some lovin'" from you, also, and thus he will not hafta worry dat he's gonna feel left out), showing him dat you value his feelings, too, and are grateful to him for letting you have your desired snuggle-wuggle wif his romantic companion.

by QuacksO June 20, 2023

Highway Robbery

When you and the boys steal the entire highway for kicks.

“It’s Friday, that means it’s Highway Robbery Night”

Alright boys, take all the asphalt you can find”

by Despair waffles April 5, 2021

Canadian Bank Robbery

Where you rob a bank passing along a nice note. something like "my name is Ted, please give me all the money in this establishment." It isn't illegal because whoever gives u the money is actually robbing the bank, you are just asking for it nicely.

Did you hear about that bank robbery last night? It was a Canadian bank robbery, they said the thief was a super nice and personable guy.

by BigDaddyTeddyBear July 11, 2018

spank robbery

To be interrupted during a masterbating session. Interruption can be for numerous reasons, for example: wife/gf, parents, door bell ring, phone call.

I had the house to myself on my day off. I was going to enjoy some self love but my wife came early stopping me early. She committed an act of spank robbery.

by West Texas Red Dirt March 21, 2017