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Very handsome

Oh, he is so oh-sang!
I want him.

by November 22, 2021


Sang-Rose is a little couple that hangs around at shops near schools. Sangwoo x Rose.

Aw look at the little couple over there near the shop, must be Sang-Rose!

by zessicarice September 12, 2023


Sang is short for a game currently in development known as Sang: The Desert Blade. It currently has a Kickstarter (as of 30 July 2022) and has a demo available. It is an Action RPG describes as being "a Souls-like action RPG inspired by Dark Souls and Zelda".
The playtest can be found on itch.io.

Hey, I've had enough of this social interaction. I'm going home to play some Sang.

by Sweeflyboy July 30, 2022


A particularly attractive female.

What an absolute sang that Margot Robbie is.

by IDictionery October 17, 2020

Ivan Sange

Ivan anak sange ya

Ivan sange banget

by Wkwkwkwkw November 23, 2021

Sang Ook

A nice person with a great personality everyone wants to be friends with him, all the boys/girls want him. Not that confident and he thinks that he has no friends but he does.

He plays spirts and is athletic and fit, loves reading, drawing, but only the bast books.

Sang Ook does well in school and is really smart but doesn’t show off his intelligence. HE IS THE LEAST COCKY PERSON YOU WILL MEET!!!

Sang Ook has a great sense of humor and is just a happy person in gernaral!
Sang Ook is nice

Sang Ook

by anthanasios November 23, 2021

Ho Sang

First used in the 21st Century, South Bronx, NYC. Noun. An accidental slip and fall in which one foot slides apart from the other in either a horizontal or vertical motion, causing the possessor of said foot;to bust thier ass as they fall and tumble. Usually involves tumbling down a set of stairs, falling between the seats on a bus, or tumbling down a hill.

Renee pulled a Ho Sang when she slipped down the stairs while entering the train station.

by BlackKnightFL March 16, 2010