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Itch.io a site to download all types of video games, usually the games can bw very hit or miss. Some games are really good like "Snap the Sentinel - Episode 1" by TehRealSalt. Each creator has their own page list as username.itch.io (username is example). Upon opening their site ir shows a list of their published games. Each game is listed under their custom username. Anyone can publish a game for free and creators can set their own price and sometimes they let the buyer's choose their price.

Person 1: "Have you heard of EDP445 Stimulator on itch.io?"
Person 2: "No, sounds like a pedophile simulator."
Person 1: "Don't play it, it's Slender: The Eight Pages but with cupcakes instead of pages and slenderman is replaced with EDP445."
Person 2: "Bruh."

by unsun December 30, 2022