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mortar hot

u r drop dead sexy n will cause instant death

damn look at the mortar hot girl. you need to call 911.

by chico78225 January 14, 2011

mortar strike

alex reigning death from above

holy shit look at that mortar strike

by myguymclovin December 17, 2018

mortar strike

multiple shits

dude i just shot a mortar strike into your toilet

by myguymclovin December 17, 2018

Mortar in the chamber

The impending need to make #2

I'll come over, but I have a mortar in the chamber so I need to take care of that first.

by ASilentJ January 18, 2012

Gay Mortar Shells

Gay jokes, memes, and/or gifs that are dropped like bombs in group chat.

Dude it looks like the moon in the group chat from all the gay mortar shells

by LLJFondle February 11, 2019