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poor snob

A poor snob is someone who criticizes you for dressing well, and/ordriving a nice car, implying that you think you're better than everyone else.

"Why do you dress up to go to the grocery store? Nobody else does."
"You're just a poor snob. I dress for me not for you!"

by Grand1 June 7, 2020

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Poor Computing

When you have a 10 year old PC, which doesn't run modern software, but you try to make it run anyway.

My poor computing machine cannot run youtube directly, so I download the videos and run them locally.

by davidiw June 14, 2011

Little Sisters of the Poor

Term used to describe a sports team that is hopelessly outmatched and underachieving.

Central High’s football team really beat up on the Little Sisters of the Poor at West High. They won the game 35-3!!!

by Proud Homosexual June 11, 2022

poor bloody mary

A bitch so broke she wears the same pad for her entire cycle

Damn I fucked up and married a nasty ass poor bloody Mary. Them hoes are some Nasty poor bloody Marys

by ronin007 February 27, 2014

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Poor tori...

A term you say around any female who isnt named tori, (if they are named tori, say poor zoe) to freak them out and create awkward moments.

Dash: poor tori...
Jack: but im Jack!
Dash: poor tori...
Jack: what?

by Dash Reid April 11, 2008

Poor effort in the office

To preform blatant laziness and complete dereliction of duty at hand

Bill Rick and Kevin demonstrated a poor effort in the office by dropping the ball

by Just pawns July 9, 2021