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Monday fairy

Just being gay

'I'm Monday's man Monday fairy'

by _ay March 6, 2023


When your boss is ignorant and grants you a holiday on Thursday without the following day off. Shortest and most unproductive day ever.

I think ill just stay drunk through tomorrow. Its a Monday-Friday anyways.

by ZebraPants December 26, 2008

Mojito Monday

The name heavy drinkers give to Monday giving them an excuse to drink on a school night (especially among heavy drinkers and alcoholics).

You're not drinking on a school night are you? Of course.. it's Mojito Monday!

by Skerries Goat October 7, 2022

Mundane Monday

When the start of your work week is so slow and devoid of objectives that you can't find anything to escape the existential dread at work

Kenny:"Yo there's no orders and the warehouse is all fixed up, what is there to do?
Rick:" Milk the clock i guess, just another mundane monday."

by Capuchin for Hire June 10, 2023

monsoon monday

Monsoon Monday is the celebration of the MGR villain Monsoon that takes place every Monday


by Dmzerz123 May 22, 2022

sizzling monday

the sizzling sound you make when monday comes.

oh? it's monday again.. imagine you saying it so slow it sizzle
*sizzling monday*

by farisss January 14, 2022

Bombay Monday

Taking a sick day off work after a Sunday drinking sesh.

Too hungover to attend work on a Monday.

“Out on the lash tonight so gonna have to take a Bombay Monday tomorrow

by Da Bombay March 7, 2023