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Is a boy who Is funny and fits in a group of popular people, gives people distinct or weird looks, needs a life but has a funny side to him

Gates needs a life.

Are you ok gates? Stop looking at me like that

by Stranger 3456 September 27, 2017


The name of a boy who was named after the thing that blocks pigs from escaping their fucking pen. A fence. This boy can come across as charming and adorable, but is really a bitch. This is a boy who only “dates” girls that are not his race (specifically white girls, even though he is not white himself). He is extremely self centered and just plays with girls emotions. Next time you meet a Gates, be prepared to get your feelings played with and begged for nudes. Watch out ladies, he’s a wild one!

Girl: “Omg is that Gates”
Boy: “Yeah. Why?”
Girl: “I don’t know, he just fucking played 5 girls in a day. It’s crazy.”

by ScaletoBail May 20, 2020

Master Gates

Bill Gates new title after his divorce.

Did you hear that Bill Gates propagated viruses and then sold antivirus technology?

We don't call him that anymore... After his wife divorced him, his new name is Master Gates.

by Dr.Crow March 24, 2023

Gates Points

Nickname for Microsoft Points, the virtual currency used for micropayments on Microsoft's Xbox Live and Zune Marketplace. Popular nickname in Japan.

I want that map pack but it costs 800 Gates Points extra so I'm wavering.

by slackerboy January 28, 2011


Verb. To pull up in an open location set up shop, sell and market the product

Imma go to the spot and Player-Gate for a minute

by Player Gator May 19, 2017

Split gate

a slang for defloration

"Do you jack off to split gate hentai?"
"the game has hentai?"
"no, split gate, it has a space in the middle, its a slang for defloration"

by itchywetscrotum March 11, 2022

Gate City

The straight up gutta of b'ham. A housing complex close to Oak Ridge Park and South Woodlawn. A hood where most shootings occour.

If you're visiting Birmingham AL stay outta Gate City

by dirtysoutherner March 9, 2017