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Blowing My Hole

That moment when nature calls, and in a split second you find yourself holding onto the bowl, praying that this "muddy mess" will be over soon. (AKA a massive, normally watery, dookie)

Big bad Blake: can little jimmy come out to play?

Jimmy's mom: jimmy big bad Blake is here to play.

Jimmy: mom I ate too many hot wings and I'm blowing my hole all on the porcelain throne.

by House Nīgga January 20, 2014

blowing my bubble

When someone hypes you up just to knock you down. Just like how you blow a bubble up till it pops or you are unable to blow anymore and it deflates. Cause a bubble never lasts forever

Guy: hey my bosa said ive been doing really well think I'm gonna get a raise or do you think he was just blowing my bubble

Guy 2: nah bro he's just blowing your bubble

by Bubbles12344 May 24, 2018

blow my skirt up

Is when something happens that excites you. (Blows you away)

That movie did/didnt blow my skirt up

by Cybergora April 2, 2017