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Bike riding around brisbane

Cool guy who eggicly loves feet and drinking the cum from his massive balls. Will suck your toes dry for 10 Vbucks.

WOW, you really did a bike riding around Brisbane on me.

by COOL GUI November 27, 2019

Rocky Mountain Bike Ride

When you have anal sex with a girl then make her ride a bike after.

Jason: How was your booze cruise with Joyce?
Matt: We pulled over to a hidden spot and I got her in the ass then we rode back home.
Jason: Ahh, Rocky Mountain Bike Ride.

by whodamanny November 9, 2009

10👍 3👎

bike riding

at my school sex was switched to riding a bike.
so we used to just make jokes about riding a bike.

Person 1: can you ride a bike with me

Person 2: do you remember the sex ed presentation

Person 1: oh f-

Person 2: i mean we can go bike riding not sexually

by ImJustASnom March 14, 2021

Alaskan bike ride

The act of grabbing a traditional phone handle and putting it in another's rear end and letting hot sauce seep from listening end to receiving end into person's rectum

"How'd it go last night with Kevin?"
"It got so hot and heavy he even gave me an Alaskan bike ride!"
"Awww that's so sweet!"

by McFzynps September 30, 2015

Bike Ride

When all the discord losers see eachother in real life after months and in a hundred meter radius from their houses.

Damn bro, the fucken losers went out for the first time for a shitty bike ride

by TheSajadFucker69 November 6, 2020

Bike Ride

When all the discord losers see eachother in real life after months and in a hundred meter radius from their houses.

Damn bro, the fucken losers went out for the first time for a shitty bike ride

by TheSajadFucker69 November 6, 2020