Source Code

Dividing Line Exception

When you're actually a punk past the dividing line.

Despite the dividing line, that guys actually a punk. He's a dividing line exception

by Josh, The One September 25, 2008

exception C

A signal to an opponent of an argument that you understand you are wrong. The purpose of which is to maintain dignity among surrounding parties.

Person 1: "Dude you're completely wrong! Tomatoes are fruits."
Person 2: "No way. Seriously, what about exception C?"

by gggdc February 5, 2010

I before E except after C

Some shitty propaganda made by satan and his minions.
Words that were made by chads who aren't having any of this shit:


wait wtf is a receipt?

I before E except after CI before E except after CI before E except after CI before E except after CI before E except after CI before E except after CI before E except after CI before E except after C FUCK YOU AND SHUT UP

by iminhellplshelpahhh September 6, 2024



She never gave advise except when it was asked of her.

by Arminkshipper June 23, 2024

"plain view" exception

A loophole in da generally-accepted social rule which states dat you hafta keep yer paws off a buxom gal's "merchandise" less'n ya get her permission beforehand --- da theory in dis case is dat if she has a majority of her plump juicy "milk-thingies" juss hangin' right out there all luscious and "obvious", she is implying dat she is largely "tossing social norms out da window", and so you can go ahead and gleefully "squeeze theeze" without having to ask her first.

I'm guessing dat da brainless lunkhead in da classic "PAT"-labeled-uniform cartoon (da bosomy chick who's wearing da name-imprinted t-shirt is named "Patricia", but da clueless dude thought dat da word meant dat he had permission to feel her up) who got KO'd by da brawny babe was thinking of da "plain view" exception when he decided to delightedly "savor da goods" with his huge clumsy hands... da guy's buddy is saying to him, "I think it's meant for identification purposes, not as a set of instructions" :P

by QuacksO March 18, 2019

The Lesbian Exception

If an out of the closet lesbian has had no success in dating for 5 years or more, they may marry their trans masc best friend.

"Hey did you hear Linda's getting married?"
"I thought she didn't have a girlfriend!"
"She didn't, she called upon The Lesbian Exception!"

by A Bit Sapphic July 10, 2023

Exceptional dork

The kind of dork that doesn't think they are a dork.

The dork girl was the one in the picture with the other dork posing with boxing gloves or something that would make her look tougher or different than the other dork. She must have been one exceptional dork.

by The Original Agahnim November 25, 2021