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Expiration dating

Engaging in romantic relationships that due to practical circumstance or mutual agreement have a definite end date, yet both partners remain committed to the relationship until that end date.

"Is Kylie still dating that guy she was seeing during study abroad?"

"No, they were just expiration dating. It ended when she moved back home. They sure made the most of their summer together though."

by PghYinzer August 2, 2020

expired facial

when you wipe your face in a used cumin rag

i don’t wanna give my sun Jonny an expired facial when he sleeps in daddy’s bed

by double novo dong April 29, 2021


Someone that uses Dead Jokes from Tiktok such as Ratio, Yb better, Fatherless,

bro why are you so expired💀

by dawgxavier September 3, 2022


This is a word used to describe the state of Tobe’s beauty

Tokunbo: “Tobe, your bout has expired!”

by LKC Gurls August 23, 2022

Expired milk

(noun) Slang that refers to the ejaculate of aging men.

"Have you met Maria and Tom's son? He's weird, that's what happens when you use expired milk."

by d3str0yer June 16, 2024

Expired Lottery Ticket

Defines a woman aged over 40 who is well past her shag prime, but still eager to get laid (ideally by a younger and more financially successful male). This woman probably shagged most of Def Leppard, Poison,Motley Crue and Metallica back in the 1980s and could be old enough to be your Mum.

Back in the day, a top quality knocker but now her tits have sagged and her vagina is more open than the Schengen Area of the EU. Hence the term 'Expired Lottery Ticket' - you shouldn't want to cash her gash.

Donna is such an expired lottery ticket - she craves any young guy with a dick and a job despite being close on to 50!

by Adolf Trump-Farage September 19, 2018


-to disappear
-to disappear because you were abducted by aliens.
-to disappear because you were to be abducted by aliens.

-"i wanted to expiral when i hit the guy i wanted to kiss in the nose. ahahaha. oops."
-i expiraled into an ocean.

by AnjaLise April 2, 2006