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When someone doesn't understand something the first time and you don't fell like repeating it...you say : Expired

Shakwanna: Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings. haha
Devon: What? I don't get it
Shakwanna: Expired !

by DevonBrah October 11, 2011

182๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž


adj: When a persons face looks dead or rotten. Also, Their skin is damaged, weak, soggy, or too much acne to even see the presence of skin.

fyi; This word is used especially for people that aren't even old because it's even more insulting.

That girls face is expired, she looks gross. I would never go neat that.

by xokarma11 January 28, 2011

18๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


To mean in ex. I am over it, tired - hit my limit.

I am so expired of Natalie.

by Jolo_ December 24, 2019

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The Name of a rapper

Nigga 1: "Did you hear? That rapper that got shot was his name again?"
Nigga2: "Expired dude"

by Kennajin June 20, 2018

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an alternative word to dead

He's not breathing he must have expired

by David Hedgerson January 18, 2006

35๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


the new 'retirement'...those with hardly any retirement savings, e.t.c, who just 'get tired smiling' may opt to commit suicide, due to ridiculous cost health services, dealing with women who 'don't like sex' and failing body parts; contributing to making ones' life experience progressively 'lesser'

john opted for controlled expirement, things weren't going too well for him after he hit sixty and his money was nearly gone!

(and the women wouldn't 'put out'/don't like sex!)

expirement is going to be the NEW retirement!!

by michael foolsley February 22, 2012

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when something is exhausted or finished (BMX)

"that stoves expired", "damn, this 40's expired" or "lets ride somewhere else, this spots expired"

by cellardoor4130 May 10, 2005

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