Source Code

crazy? I was crazy once, they put me in a room. A Rubber room. A rubber room with rats and rats makes me crazy

When some says ''Crazy'' repeat this forever.

Dude 1: ''Dude, that was crazy!''
Dude 2: Crazy? I was crazy once, they put me in a room. A rubber room. A Rubber room with rats and rats makes me crazy! (And it goes on again and again...)

by Christo42 September 15, 2023

she put her bagels on me

Something sexual

Grace, she put her bagels on me

by _Calm_ May 28, 2021

well put me in a dress and call me susie

to express one's excitement

timmy:I just got a gf
jimmy:well put me in a dress and call me susie

by raybeez February 10, 2022

Put me down

1. To be unceremoniously broken up with, unfriended, or otherwise casual become disassociated with; shown through actions. Can implies the person that put the other down for a better alternative or for bored.

2. To be casually dismissed from a relationship, verbally

3. To be ghosted

1. Ex. Mom talking to Dad: Now that Sally's started high school and made new friends she hangs with them a lot more. I guess she's grown up and put her mom down and doesn't want to hang out with me anymore.
Ex. John can never seem to make it to our outings now, I guess he's put us down

2. Jack to Jill: I think we're better as friends, we should see other people

3. You didn't reply to my text in a few days so I figured you had put me down.

by Dann326 January 20, 2021