Source Code


1. To say stuff over and over.
2. To say stuff over and over.
3. To say stuff over and over.
4. To say stuff over and over.

To say stuff over and over.

by To say stuff over and over. August 18, 2003

137๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. To say stuff over and over.
2. To say stuff over and over.
3. To say stuff over and over.
4. To say stuff over and over.

Repeat: To say stuff over and over.

by coconut gun December 13, 2019


an hilarious game played by all state troopers in Vermont. it consists of an officer repeating the words of a previous officer

officer number 1: Good morning, would you mind stepping down from the cab and showing us your licence and registration.

officer number 2: Good morning, would you mind stepping down from the cab and showing us your licence and registration.

by Lord Liger March 24, 2005

17๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


we never say repeat over the radio because it is a French military code word for "fire artillary"

Wait. The French don't have radios yet.


by IrishRepublicanArmy December 21, 2003

20๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


repeat repeat repeat

repeat repeat repeat repeat

by Gawd July 20, 2004

17๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


To come out too quickly after eating.

"Man that tuna fish sandwich I had an hour ago is repeating on me!"

by Bowler's Movement August 1, 2005

7๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


1) Someone who never has ideas or opinions of their own. Instead uses those of other people. In fear of their ideas or opinions being stupid. Also because if their "opinions" and "ideas" are attacked its not really their opinion or idea so they have more comfort. Or they are just huge conformists who are usually too lazy to learn about something and form an opinion on it themselves.

2) Someone who says the same thing over, tells stories multiple times, when they were only funny the first time. Or uses the same joke all the time.

How to tell if someone is the first type of repeater.

1) They express strong opinions, yet have one or two things to back it up, nothing else.
2) They never explain their copied opinions.

person: Have you heard of Iron Maiden?
repeater: Who are they?
person: A Metal band.
person2: They suck.
repeater: Yeah they suck!

person: Get off, I really don't want you on me.
repeater: Thats what she said.
group: HAHAHA!
person: That was awesome.
repeater: Thats what she said.
group: hahaha...
person: That one wasn't that good.
repeater: Thats what she said.
group: Shut the fuck up.

by joe725 November 22, 2007