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Suction cup balls

1. When your penis is so deep inside your lovers vagina that your balls make a mwaahp sound cuz youve pounded her so deep,besides putting her but sleep,you create a suction with your balls on her vagina.

"Boy,i went deep in her."
"How deep was that?"
"Boy i went suction cup balls deep!"
"Wow,thats astonishing! Nothing is deeper than that kind sir."

by Desertbushido July 4, 2023

suction cunt

A girl who has so much sex that her vagina is like a vacuum for dicks.

“Yo Jessica is such a hoe!”
“Yeah haha what a suction cunt.”

by artesticle May 10, 2019


something that has suction a bowl

My hands are very suctionable today!!

by Jennifer Dots December 22, 2019