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You guys are Dogs!

Refers to Haven members wiping on Faerlina petrification pull. Also, commonly used during any other time whilst raiding.

You guys are griefing me. Insane. I will retire "soon". You guys are Dogs!

by Shortlifemaybe May 13, 2021

You Guys

Taylor Swift called her fans "you guys" instead of "swifties" which is her real fandom name. Also Tay called her fans sometimes as "friends" or lile her own child or kid.

Taylor Swift: You Guys makes me happy thank you for all of your support.

by Star Saint April 9, 2021

“so do you guys like, scissor?”

The first question people ask a woman when she comes out as gay. We gay women expect it. After replying “yes”, the conversation usually goes as follows;

“so do you guys like, scissor?”

*sigh* “yes. we do scissor.”

oh, okay, so like, HOW DOES THAT WORK?”

by breadbreadbreadhead May 20, 2024

Screw you guys I’m goin home

A phrase used when your friend group really pisses you off. Usually you need to stop everything your doing and announce that you’re going home

Person 1: you’re a pathetic Fatass, kill yourself

Person 2: well then Screw you guys i’m goin home

by MUGlol69 October 29, 2021

ayy you guys

a greeting that is from the goonies and a character called sloth with a deformed face that was popularized as a joke or meme and is used as a joke term

you are trying to make a funny entrance to large group "Ayy you guys"

by Naughtopus May 10, 2018