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when two lesbians who live in a conservative place and HATE their husbands and have sex ; usually milfs and awaiting divorce

judith: wow courtney, i would really like to have “wine” one time while the kiddos are at soccer practice!!
courtney: i would love some “wine”

by the god of swag April 19, 2021


When you see a Winely your day will get better. When she smiles the wjope world lights up.Winely is the definition of beauty. Consider your self lucky if you met a Winely cause she is one of a kind.

Chris: Did you see Winely to day!
Ivan: yah, see looks good.

by countchris55 February 28, 2018


A sexy Caribbean dance performed by women. Much better than twerking.

Rihanna was wining to T pain for Usain Bolt

by jufrang November 22, 2013

112👍 20👎


form of dance, involves gyration of hips, can be slow or fast must always be sexy. performed to mainly west indian music like reggae, calypso and soca.

if you don't mind...would you take a wine with me?

by destra November 6, 2003

1314👍 376👎


The ability to focus all of your attention on the glass of wine you are drinking yet knowing you have already had a skinful and the Universe contains an infinity of bottles yet to be drunk ... ommmm

Many people think of my best mate as a winefulness practitioner whereas I know him to be a complete pisshead.

by Nountinence April 20, 2018


A response to be given when the suggestion of intoxication is declared.

Steve: "Hey John, pub tonight?"
John: "Wine-not!"

Steve: "John, I'm fackin' sloshed mate. One more?"
John: "Wine-not!"

Steve: "Fancy sharing a cab, John?"
John: "Wine-not!"
Steve: "John, I think you've got a problem mate. I didn't want to say anything before."
John: "Wine-not!"
Steve: "Jesus John. Just take care, yeah? I'll see you tomorrow."
John: "Wine-not!"
*Steve jumps in taxi and leaves.

John: "I love you you, Steve. I always have."


by Dexter Fishpaw May 29, 2015

20👍 3👎


A white or red liquid containing alcohol that is usually found in the cabinet in a glass bottle. Once indulged, one might do things he might normally not do, and have a great time doing it.

I got hammered on wine all last night at the party and then drove my SUV through the mall. It was fucking great.

by Mac December 4, 2003

823👍 286👎